GT GLOBAL and the Fleishman Foundation reaffirm their commitment to Southern Tamaulipas by donating two lifeguard towers made 100% of ecological and water-resistant eco-plating material installed in Miramar Beach. Additionaly, they organized a beach cleanup with collaborators and relatives as part of living the essence of caring for our environment.
On Saturday, April 6, GT GLOBAL and the Fleishman Foundation began cleanup day at Miramar Beach. Families and collaborators were required to help Ocean Conservancy and La Gaviota Vida Marina with the cleanup.
Once the activity was over, the Fleishman Foundation, chaired by the brothers Herman and Robert Fleishman, and represented by Sergio Rodríguez Almaguer and Mariana Priego Zavala, donated two lifeguard towers made of ecological materials in GT+plastics, a GT GLOBAL company, that were installed in Miramar Beach.

A formal delivery ceremony was held. The president of Ciudad Madero, Adrian Oseguera Kernion, received and thanked the Foundation for this important donation. These two towers will be of significant help to ensure the safety of tourists.